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When Do You Know It’s Time for New Control Valves?

Mar 15, 2024

We all rely on control valves in our homes and workplaces every day without even realizing it. They regulate water pressure and help appliances function properly. According to Grand View Research, the control valve market had a value of $6.34 billion in 2022, showing just how vital valves are to everyday life. However, you should be aware that control valves do eventually wear out. How do you know when it's time to replace old valves with new ball valves? Here are a few ways to tell that you need to invest in a replacement.

Difficulty Operating Them

Control valves are devices that manage the flow of liquids, gases, and loose materials within a system. Ball valves are a common type of control valve constructed with a hole and rotating ball that can be oriented to direct flow through or block it. If you find you have to forcefully crank water handles to shut valves off completely or get them to open back up, corrosion may be interfering with the internal components. Stiff, stubborn ball valves usually indicate wear and tear. This is a sure sign that it's time to invest in new ball valves that open and close smoothly with little effort.

Drips When Fully Closed

A ball valve that continues dripping after you've twisted the handle to the off position often has a damaged internal seal that is no longer doing its job. The small rubber seal ring that stops flow when the valve is closed has surely developed cracks or tears. Installing a fresh ball valve repairs the leak so you don't have to worry about waste.

Temperature Fluctuations

Do you get blasted with hot water when you first turn on a faucet, followed by icy cold water? This probably means the ball valve isn't maintaining consistent temperature regulation. Sediment build-up impedes its ability to properly control flow. Swap it out for a shiny new ball valve that eliminates unwanted surprises.

If you suspect issues with your ball valves based on these warning signs, be sure to get in touch with a supplier who can provide the best valves the market has to offer. There's no need to search far and wide for the right company, as we have a large local inventory and offer fast delivery. Call Midwest Valve & Controls, Inc today to get started with a free quote!

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